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VDash Making A New Dash (P3)

This is for the C30, S40II, V50, C70II models. Usually, their year of production ranges from 2004 to 2012. These models are easily identified by the dashboard (DIM), which looks like the following photo:

VDash Making A New Dash (P3)

This is for the S60, S80, V70II, XC70, XC90 models. Usually, their year of production ranges from 2004 to 2012. These models are easily identified by the dashboard (DIM), which looks like the following photo:

This is for the V40II, V40XC, S60II, S60CC, V60, V60CC, XC60, V70III, XC70II, S80II models. Usually, their year of production ranges from 2007 to 2017. These models are easily identified by the dashboard (DIM), which looks like the following photo:

This is for the XC90II, S90II, V90II, XC60II, V60II, S60III, XC40 models. Usually, their year of production ranges from 2007 to 2017. These models are easily identified by the dashboard (DIM), which looks like the following photo:

LaTeX does not hyphenate compound words that contain a dash[1]. There are two packages that can add back flexibility. The hyphenat package supplies the \hyp command. This command typesets the dash and then subjects the constituent words to automatic hyphenation. After loading the package:

A word after / or \slash is not automatically hyphenated. This is a similar problem to non-hyphenation of words with a dash described under Hyphenation. One way to have both a line break and automatic hyphenation in both words is


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