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The Pattern Base : Over 550 Contemporary Textil...

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The pattern base : over 550 contemporary textil...

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Kristi O'Meara is a painter and graphic designer, as well as being one of the founders of The Patternbase, a textile and design studio in Chicago. Kristi has also just completed her first publication, The Pattern Base: over 550 contemporary textile and surface designs. Kristi produces a range of homeware including cushions, bags and robes in daring and other-worldly patterns.

In The Pattern Base, Kristi O'Meara and Audrey Victoria Keiffer, cofounders of the Chicago-based design studio and online archive The Patternbase, showcase more than 550 textile, surface, fashion, and print designs from over 150 designers working around the world. Part One is a sourcebook of these designs, organized by type of pattern: Geometric, Floral, Representational, Digital Abstract, Illustrative, and Fabric Swatches. Part Two presents profiles of fifteen artists, constituting the hottest up-and-comers in the field, including Lorenzo Nanni, whose delicate beadwork conjures the natural world's flora and fauna; Anita Hirlekar, whose felt, velvet, and lace work create luscious variations of texture; and Kayla Mattes, mistress of kitsch aesthetics and material experimentations.

The Department of Drama/Dance is housed in a fine, multi million dollar performing arts complex which includes three theatre/dance performance spaces and television/radio studios. The program is production oriented with approximately ten major productions presented each year including contemporary, historical, period, musical, and experimental plays, as well as dance concerts. The Montana Repertory Theatre, a professional touring company based at UM, often involves students both on and off stage. The faculty is strong, possessing a diversity of educational and professional theatre and dance backgrounds.

U 101L Theatre Appreciation 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. The various elements of play production and dance. The basic artistic principles underlying dance, theatre and all of the arts. U 103A Introduction to Theatre Design 3 cr. Offered autumn. Basic understanding of the principles of design for the theatre and television, including the production elements of scenery, costumes and lighting. U 106A Theatre Production I: Running Crew 1 cr. (R 4) Offered autumn and spring. Operation and running a show backstage on a scenery, costume, or prop crew for a major departmental production. U 107A Theatre Production I: Construction Crew 3 cr. (R 6) Offered autumn and spring. The construction and completion of scenery, costumes and props under supervision. Most assignments involve very basic construction techniques. Involves two 4 hour labs a week. U 111A Acting for Non Majors I 3 cr. Offered every term. An introduction to the skills and techniques required of the actor to be effective in communication with others on stage and off stage. U 112A Acting for Non Majors II 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., DRAM 111A. Continuation of 111A. U 166L History of Musical Theatre 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Same as MUS 166L. Exploration of origins, developing trends, and cultural/historical contexts of musical theatre through films, lectures, and discussion. U 195 Special Topics Variable cr. (R 6) Offered autumn and spring. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one time offerings of current topics. U 200A Beginning Theatre Workshop Variable cr. (R 8) Offered autumn and spring. Credit for students engaged in any aspect of production including acting, directing, lighting, stagecraft, makeup, costumes, properties, business and publicity. U 202 Stagecraft I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Fundamental theories and hands on application in the areas of costuming, stage properties and dyeing/painting. U 203 Stagecraft II 3 cr. Offered spring. Fundamental theories and hands on application in the areas of scenery, lighting, sound and rigging. U 206 Theatre Production II: Running Crew 1 cr. (R 4) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., DRAM 106A. Operation and running a show backstage, as in scenery, costumes, or props for a major departmental production. U 207 Theatre Production II: Construction Crew 3 cr. (R 6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., DRAM 107A. The construction and completion of scenery, costumes and props. Advanced construction assignments; supervision of a small construction crew. U 210 Voice and Speech I 2 cr. Offered autumn. Voice production, phonetics and speech for the stage. U 211 Voice and Speech II 2 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 210. Continuation of 210. U 214 Acting I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Intensive development of basic acting skills through psycho physical technique: dramatic action, image making and improvisation. U 215 Acting II 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 214. Continuation of 214. Further exploration of improvisation, textual links and development of performance project. U 216A Production Acting I 1 cr. (R 4) Offered autumn and spring. Credit for acting in approved Drama/Dance productions. U 220L Dramatic Literature I 3 cr. Offered spring odd-numbered years. The study of representative texts in dramatic literature as a foundation for play analysis. U 231 Drafting for the Theatre I 3 cr. Offered spring. Drawing techniques for the theatre with an emphasis on drafting as utilized by technicians, designers, stage managers and directors. U 244 Stage Makeup 2 cr. Offered spring. Principles of and practice in theatrical makeup. Students will work on makeup for major productions. U 296 Independent Study: Theatre Projects Variable cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Independent study in all the arts of the theatre. UG 300 Theatre Workshop Variable cr. (R 20) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., previous work in drama or theatre courses. Advanced laboratory production in all the arts of the theatre. UG 301 Playwriting 3 cr. (R 6) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Techniques and practice in writing short and full length plays. UG 307 Production Construction I Variable cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Students serve as the construction crew in either the sound, light, costume, or scene shop for departmental productions. UG 308 Production Team I Variable cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Students function as part of the production team in a role of responsibility (i.e., master electrician, cutter, first hand, master carpenter, etc.) for a departmental production. These assignments and duties may serve also as part of the required junior project. UG 309 Production Design I Variable cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Students function as a member of the production team in a role of responsibility (i.e., scenic designer, costume designer, light designer, etc.) for a departmental production. These assignments and duties may serve also as part of the required junior project. UG 310 Voice and Speech III 2 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 211. Dialects, accents, and continued development of good voice and speech skills. UG 311 Voice and Speech IV 2 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 310. Integration of voice and speech skills, vocal character. UG 312 Physical Performance Skills I 2 cr. Offered autumn. Concentration, centering, balance, agility and movement skills through ancient martial arts and stage movement techniques. UG 313 Physical Performance Skills II 2 cr. Offered spring. Specialized physical skills for acting such as stage combat, mime, and circus skills. UG 314 Acting III 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 215. Scene study and characterization. Works selected from realism and poetic realism. UG 315 Acting IV 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 314. Selected scenes and projects from European and American realistic texts such as Chekhov, Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw, O'Neill, Williams and Miller. UG 316A Production Acting II 1 cr. (R 4) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., DRAM 216A. Credit for acting in approved Drama/Dance productions. UG 320 Theatre History I 3 cr. Offered autumn odd-numbered years. A survey of the major developments of the theatre from primitive beginnings to the 19th century, including various cultures and their representative plays and performances throughout the world. UG 321 Theatre History II 3 cr. Offered spring even-numbered years. Prereq., DRAM 320. Continuation of 320. The many and varied periods of the 19th and 20th centuries as reflected in the theatre of the times. U 327A Drama in Elementary Education 2 cr. (R-4) Offered autumn and spring. Exploration, implementation and experience in teaching strategies for using drama in elementary education. Focus on techniques and applications for teaching drama and for utilizing drama as a tool for teaching other subject matter. UG 331 Drafting for the Theatre II 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 231 or consent of instr. Scene design including elevations, drop point perspective, measured drawings for furniture, and other techniques used by scene designers. UG 332 Computer Aided Drafting and Computer Applications for the Theatre 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 231. Computer drafting for scenery, costumes, lighting, and sound design drawings, including 2 D and 3 D plans, layouts and renderings. Work with CAD, photo manipulation, spreadsheet, database, and word processing programs. UG 333 Scenic Painting 1-3 cr. (R 6) Offered spring. Introduction to the basic skills needed as a scenic artist. Emphasis on the varied materials and techniques used in the scenic studio, color mixing, and interpretation of the designer's work. UG 334 Scene Design I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 103A, 202, 203. Introduction to the problems encountered in designing scenery, analyzing of script, research and practical demands of theatre conventions. Projects include those for theatre, musicals, opera, dance and television. UG 335 Scene Design II 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 334. A continuation of the techniques and projects in DRAM 334. UG 341 Flat Pattern Design and Drafting 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 202. Pattern design using the flat pattern method, pattern drafting of various garment parts, advanced principles of fitting. UG 343 Textile Selection and Manipulation 3 cr. Offered spring even-numbered years. Analysis of fibers, yarns, structures and finishes, as related to selection and use for the theatre. Basic dyeing, distressing and painting. UG 344 Social History of Costume I 3 cr. Offered autumn odd-numbered years. History of Western costume from ancient Egypt to 1800. UG 345 Social History of Costume II 3 cr. Offered spring even-numbered years. History of Western costume, 1800 to the present. UG 346 Costume Design I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 103A, 202, 203. Introduction to principles and practices of stage costume design. UG 351 Theatre Lighting I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 103A, 202, 203. Introduction to principles and practices of theatre lighting design. Training for position of lighting designer for theatre. Design requirements and decisions, color, development of stage picture; concentration on proscenium theatre design concepts. UG 361 Theatre Sound I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 103A, 202, 203 or consent of instr. Introduction to principles and practices of theatre sound design. Training for position of sound designer for theatre. Principles, practices, and equipment used to create finished sound designs for theatre, dance and related areas. U 371 Stage Management I 2 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 103A, 202, 203. Beginning study of the duties of the stage manager concentrating on the rehearsal process in the non professional theatre situation. UG 374 Technical Direction 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., DRAM 231, 331 or consent of instr. Training for position of technical director. The role and scope of technical direction, production scheduling, design analysis, budgets and bookkeeping, and methods of construction. UG 377 Technical Direction Practicum 3 cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., DRAM 374. Technical direction on a major show in the drama season in the Montana or Masquer Theatres. U 378 Stage Management Practicum I 1-3 cr. (R 6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., DRAM 371 or consent of instr. Stage management practicum involving stage managing a showcase production or assistant stage managing a major show. Involves evening work. UG 379 Introduction to Directing 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 103A, 214, 220L. Introduction to the analytical skills, staging and conceptual techniques of the director; includes some practical application in scene work. U 385 Dance Team 2 cr. (R-4) Offered autumn and spring. UM cheer and dance team selected during audition process each spring; students perform routines at the intermediate jazz level. Development of current dance performance, leadership, communication and organizational skills. (Only four credits of DRAM 385, HHP 100-179, MS 203 and MS 315 may count toward a degree.) U 393 Omnibus Variable cr. (R-10) Offered intermittently. University omnibus option for independent work. See index. U 395 Special Topics Variable cr. (R 9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one time offerings of current topics. U 396 Independent Study: Theatre Projects Variable cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. U 398 Cooperative Education Experience Variable cr. (R 12) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Extended classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Center for Work-Based Learning. UG 400 Professional Theatre 9 cr. (R 18) Offered spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Laboratory experience in total play production through participation in state, regional, national and international touring production programs. UG 402 Methods of Teaching Theatre 2 cr. (R 6) Offered autumn. Prereq., consent of instr. Building and addressing specific curriculum in theatre arts. UG 407 Production Construction II Variable cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Students serve as construction crew in one of the shops for productions. UG 408 Production Team II Variable cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Students serve as a member of the production team in a role of responsibility (i.e., master electrician, sound board operator, cutter, first hand, etc.) for major productions. These assignments and duties may serve also as part of the required senior project. UG 409 Production Design II Variable cr. (R 12) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Students serve as a member of the production team in a role of designer (i.e., set designer, costume designer, light designer, etc.) for major productions. These assignments and duties may serve also as part of the required senior project. U 410 Singing for Actors 2 cr. (R 4) Offered autumn. Prereq., audition, acting/directing option, or consent of instr. Development and presentation of musical numbers in a dramatic context. A broad based acquaintance with music theatre literature is acquired and techniques for approaching songs are explored with an eye toward developing competency in music/theatre forms. UG 411 Physical Performance Skills III 2 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 313. The body in performance: weight, rhythm, tempo, kinesthetic relationship. Lecoq neutral mask. UG 412 Physical Performance Skills IV 2 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 411. Physical characterization: expressive mask, animal studies, clowning. UG 414 Acting V 5 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 315. Selected speeches, scenes and projects from verse drama, especially Shakespeare. UG 415 Acting VI 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 414. Selected scenes and projects from various historical and stylistic periods. U 416 Senior Project Acting 1 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Performance of an approved role in a departmental production accompanied by written self assessment. UG 435 Advanced Acting: Personal Performance 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 415 or graduate standing. Developing personal performance skills. UG 436 Advanced Acting: Solo Performance 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 435 or graduate standing. Creating solo performance material from original material or existing texts. UG 437 Advanced Acting: Acting for the Camera I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., DRAM 415 or graduate standing. Beginning techniques in acting for the camera. UG 438 Advanced Acting: Acting for the Camera II 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 415 or graduate standing. Extended work in techniques in acting for the camera. Work in different areas of film and video acting such as: commercials, soap opera, and comic scripts. UG 439 Advanced Acting: Professional Skills 3 cr. Offered autumn odd-numbered years. Prereq., DRAM 415 or graduate standing. Developing professional skills, material for the actor, professional portfolio, resume audition material, commercial acting, performance market research. UG 440 Advanced Acting: Contemporary Theatre 3 cr. Offered spring even-numbered years. Prereq., DRAM 415 or graduate standing. Performance and scene work in contemporary practice and theory. Texts drawn from twentieth century playwrights such as Beckett, Pinter, Churchill and performance theory such as Viewpoints. UG 441 Draping 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 341. Garment design based on manipulation of fabric on a body form; emphasis on creative solutions to design problems and the interrelationships between fabric, design, and form. UG 442 Tailoring 3 cr. Offered spring odd-numbered years. Prereq., consent of instr. Principles used in the construction of tailored garments. UG 444 Advanced Makeup 2 cr. (R 6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., DRAM 244 or consent of instr. Character-ization, prosthesis, wigs, masks and special problems. Students will work on makeup for major productions. UG 446 Costume Design II 3 cr. (R 9) Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 346. Advanced techniques in costume design; possible topics include design for dance, opera, large scale drama and musicals. UG 451 Theatre Lighting II 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., DRAM 351 or consent of instr. Advanced study of principles and practices of theatre lighting design. Training for position of light designer for theatre. Design requirements and decisions, color, development of stage picture; concentration on thrust and arena theatre. UG 461 Theatre Sound II 3 cr. Offered spring. Pr


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